Money is the forefront of our lives. In every which way you go money is there. It is the cornerstone of how we go about our lives. Its power, at times, can dominate logic & morality. It builds as much as it destroys; it gratifies as much as it dissatisfies; it liberates as much as it entraps. We created money for our benefit, & yet, at many times it commands us. Money was meant to serve us, but it seems that money is playing both the servant & the master, & yet, it doesn’t intrinsically exist. We make money exist.
Money is not necessarily a tangible thing, it is metaphysical. We us tangible things & put a money value in it in order to keep a trace of money. & the only thing giving money its value is our faith, just a faith. & this is where the underlying problem is. We are putting all our faith in money.
We need to bring our faith back to the people. We need to wake up from this money illusion & realize that it was never money doing anything, it was always us. We are moved by money because you are moved by money. Move the people by their own volition & you will be moved by it. You will feel its influence, its energy, because for the longest time money was just an excuse to do something, to get something. The people are of a much better excuse, a much better fulfillment that brings true pride & joy.
I want to you to see this money illusion because then you will see its fake shackles; its fake prison; its fake influence. You will no longer be bound by money. I want to make it very clear that I am not against money nor am I trying to argue that we should get rid of money. No. I am saying to use money, don’t be used by it. In today’s society it is very difficult to not be used by money because it is the cornerstone of your life. You cannot live comfortably without it. It is seeping & leeching the entire world.
The main problem of today is that money is the deciding factor for the quality of our lives. It is illogical, irrational, to allow money to be the determining factor for the quality of our lives. Money should not be a necessity; it should only be supplementary. It should not be a requirement for our well-being, it should be enhancing our well-being. Money should never diminish life, it should only advance life. It should never be a limiting factor to what we can do. After all, we are the creators of money.
In an advance society it is no longer the case where we can all live as bush people do. There are too many people for everyone to live off grid, in the forest, & totally independent. With the population of today, we need technology & efficiency. Money can be great for efficiency. However, because of its great influence, our greed forsakes the many better ways our economy can be, all for the sake of acquiring the illusion of money.
Where must we go from here? I find to be quite obvious once you see through the illusion of money. Bring the faith back to the people. I am not talking about trading or bartering, that is primordial. We are too advanced for that. Money is not evil; it has its uses & it is time we use it only for our benefit. Money is artificial & to live only by artificial means pollutes the natural way of life; it brings unnatural circumstances. We must bring about a system that conjoins the monetary lifestyle with a non-monetary lifestyle.
We must realize that there are many people who do not have great ambition or desire to be rich or to be anybody. There are many people who just want to work their job & live a joyful life with their family & friends. Many find meaning just by taking care of those around them. The people wanting to live a non-monetary lifestyle will mostly be those who work in unskilled jobs such as laborers, cashiers, waiters, janitors, receptionist, etc. These are the cogs of the machine.
It is time to stop looking at cogs in a negative aspect. Cogs are what make the machine move. Money should not be bounded to the cogs of the machine. Money should only be bounded to those who aspire to go higher in life. Cogs should be free from money. Cogs should only focus on making the machine move efficiently & effectively. Remove the restrictions from the cogs & you will see the economy moving more efficiently with greater capabilities. Raise the quality of the cogs & you will raise the quality of the machine.
Money should be used accordingly to challenge & incentive those who want to reach a higher standard of living. Today our economy is purely money driven which makes our economy anti-economic. For example, companies are forced to keep making income in order to pay rent/taxes to keep their company afloat. In this way companies are incentivized to commit to a planned obsolescence strategy in order to make reoccurring profits; for, rent is always due. How can a company stop its production when bills must be paid?
This is the dichotomy of our situation. Constant production; constant pollution, constant waste, constant extraction of resources. This is an unsustainable system that will soon collapse; & you will not be ready.
We must blend the non-monetary way of living with the monetary, or else we will continue to plummet the earth searching for infinite resources until we reach a point where we can no longer continue because it was never infinite.
You should be able to create only when it is necessary & not because it is necessary to make money. Create for the benefit of society, not for the benefit of your bank account. If you continue to plummet the earth for money, you will destroy earth because money was never real.