Hybrid System Economy
The Hybrid System Economy is an economic system that brings the monetary lifestyle & the non-monetary lifestyle together, working symbiotically.
Today, our world’s socioeconomic system is operated purely by monetary means. In this way it makes sense why life has become off balanced because there is nothing complementing it. We are allowing money to hold rank above the habitat, above the people, thereby, overpowering the people. We have made money to be a necessity for practically everything; for our well being & well living; when money should only be for our benefit & never our detriment.
Implementing a way for people to live non-monetarily will complement the purely monetary society & solve many of our socioeconomic & environmental problems.
Money is only as valuable as our faith in it. Today all our faith goes to money, giving it all the power for our economic decisions, limiting us & coercing us. We must bring our faith back to the people.
Our faith should primarily be with the people. Never should we allow money to get in the way of doing what should be done. Never should we allow money, a concept, to be the cause for the plundering of the planet. You & humanity hold all the power. Money never did; it was only a façade, making you feel as if money had the grips of your life.
In order to bring about the hybrid system economy we must implement a Free class. This class will substitute the poor/lower class. There will still be the rich class & middle class but the poor will be no more. If we can also look to the good aspects of money, then we can see that it can be of great use to provide incentive & order. Let us use money & no longer be used by it.
— — — I go more in detail in my novel Ubuntu: A Modern Utopia — — —
The Free Class
The free class is a class where people work primarily free from monetary means. They do not depend on money nor need it for their necessities; although, they still have the opportunity to make money in order to gain ownership & supplement their lives. A class that is committed to undertake work for society’s needs.
As of right now, in our current economy, much work is created for works sake. Business must stay operational in order to maintain constant monetary income. This makes it so we work for the sake of money instead of for the sake of society, of the environment. This is why we our depleting vital resources & destroying our habitat that preserves us. No matter how good fairing you are, if the economic operating system does not change, then we will worsen the lives of the people & the habitat.
Businesses should not need to stay producing & selling for the sake of money, for then it forsakes everything else. Business should only operate when it is necessary, when it is needed; this is how you work for the sake of the people, for the sake of our habitat.
With a Free class, no longer will welfare be needed. In a much better case, I believe the government will be able to save much more by providing than by giving money for people’s necessities. By providing the people with their necessities to live an adequate good life, then the people will begin to see life without the need for money & focus their intentions on the people instead of that which has caused much greed.
Moreover, this will greatly reduce much crime since money will no longer be seen with great temptation. No longer will companies like Pharma be incentivized to make you sick for profit since they cannot profit off of people who live independent of monetary gain. You see how our thinking dynamic will change, because now we will be incentivize to make the people healthy in order to have great workers. & because in the free class you are mostly taking care of, there will be no need to to steal. Making money will be much easier & at a much greater value. Give evil nothing to oppose & evil will disappear by itself, as Lao Tzu says.
Today, our economy is at odds with technology because as much as it is able to be greatly more efficient & save a great amount of time & money, this will also cause many to lose their jobs & because money is a necessity, it is a problem that can only be solved by opening a new pathway of living, since it is inevitable that companies will replace humans with technology for the incessant need for profit.
& so, the free class opens this new pathway of living & becomes a solution to what is inevitably going to happen. The free class will be the class of people who are readily available to partake in societies needs in order to maintain & advance it. They will work in exchange for their necessities. & because there will be many more people living in the Free Class & because in this class you will not have to pay the people with money, we will be able to hire many more people than we could have before thereby making our work hours much much less.
With the free class we can eliminate all unnecessary jobs thereby giving the people the understanding that this is necessary for society & with this knowledge arises pride & fulfillment to work for the people, bringing back the romance of work.
Building a city
In order to build a great city, one must understand what the most important part of the city is, & it has to be the very thing that brings a city to life; that is the people. The people are the creators & divine juice that gives life to a city, they are the heartbeat of the city. Without people it is dead. With bad people it is bad. It doesn’t matter how your city looks; if the people suck, the city will suck.
Therefore, take care of the people & the people will take care of the city, & you will have a well sought out city.
It’s all about opening doors to the people. When you build a library, you open a door for others to study & read many books. When you build a skatepark or gymnasium, you open a pathway for physical talent. A good city does not force nor coerce people to do anything. A good city stimulates curiosity in learning, in exercising, in socializing, in helping one another. This you can do, for example by building an amazing library, one that provokes curiosity in wanting to understand life’s mysteries.
In my opinion, cities should do its best to minimize sprawling & build vertically so that they may take up the least amount of land. As population grows, we can only sprawl out so far. Moreover, we should respect the life of the animals, for this is their home as well.
Because our system runs purely on monetary means, money actually limit the many citie’s potential. Due to cost we cannot build a city to its maximum potential. There are many ways you can engineer a city to solve traffic, reduce waste, make it more green, etc… But money has become, not only hinderance, but much of a detriment to our society.
When you take care of your people & you allow people to work for the sake of the people, for the pride of their society, for their love of their city, you will have better & prouder working people, & a happier society.
Principles & Methods
“As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” — Harrington Emmerson
The reason why things cannot be fixed, no matter how much politicians try is because they are trying to change the methods while still following the same principle that is causing the many socioeconomic problems.
The principle of our economy’s operating system is the necessity of money. Therefore money is a priority & not humanity or the habitat. Its quite simple & easy to change our principles to humanity & the habitat. I do not know why anyone would disagree on prioritizing humanity & the habitat over money. However, the hard part is creating the right method.
But I have already mentioned the method, the Hybrid System Economy. With the Free Class people do not work for money’s sake, they work for the people’s sake. Therefore, money no longer becomes an incentive to destroy the habitat, to overfish, to plunder the planet for profit. Our profit now comes in preserving the habitat, in bettering our health of ourselves & the planet.
The Hybrid System Economy is a method with many methods of how the people will choose how to govern the Free class. Each city will have different working hours, different perks, different lifestyles. This becomes the fun part because the people will choose the rules & lifestyle of their free class. This, I believe, will not be so stressful because of the fact that money has been taking out much of the equation, & now it will allow the people in the free class to live to its maximum potential. Although, do not mistake this with spoiling the people. Spoiling the people with too much is of course not good, but you already know that. It just takes a little intelligence. You will figure it out.