

2 min readOct 30, 2020

If ever for a moment you can see the light that is in thee, you will find it bright & might. Those who seek for the light must enter into the darkness of their soul. But how does one travel in darkness, for which way do you go? If the room is dark and you cannot see nor hear, then how about you feel.

But a strange path, what if there is nothing to feel? You mighty one, you think too much, why must you know right away. Don’t you see it is through the journey of exploring the unknown & discovering bits of light that lures you in where you must go. Step into that bit of light & see what you find, but know that that is not always where you must stay. For, yourself awaits you, do not leave yourself behind.

Reflect & question your very being. The meaning of your life is to be created & nowhere do you find it, you create it. Meaning is spiritual and artificial, but if you do not take on that bold risk of adventure that will lead to your very being, then you will lose that which could have giving you meaning to your life. You may understand that which you are to become but if you neither take those steps to become that which you are to become then I pray for your soul, for it will suffer greatly & then you will have to retreat in a buddhist temple to purify your soul and recreate yourself, else you find yourself escaping yourself in vices.

Find your art, establish your ethics, & embed it with faith. If you are lost, seek the beams of light of others, of the many greats whose light still shines in the eternal life. Their light will feed into your darkness & you will feel the beams lighting up the vessel of your soul.

“Know Thyself” as the ancient Greek aphorism says, but how does one get to know thyself? Well first, how about you think for thyself, & I wager that many of you think you think for yourself, but be very wary of how you think & you will see the subtle subconscious mind that overrides your thinking that consequently determines your actions. A psychological habit that one must break. And know that you are always in a state of becoming, but lets not get too literal.

Do not read so much of how to become yourself, find your philosophy and there it will guide you to where you need to go. Take heed, do not wait until you feel spiritually healed, it is through action where your healing will take place; in inaction, death awaits.




Written by Horus


Thoughts of Horus. My mission is to implement the 'Free Class'. Read my novel "Ubuntu: A Modern Utopia"

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